Quartz Auto Services Centers​

Quartz Auto Service (QAS)

The QUARTZ AUTO SERVICE stands for our expertise forged over decades and the ambition to build our presence in the automotive maintenance segment with a unique concept bringing together point-of-sale management tools, customer experience enhancement, and digital tools to promote web-to-store, and more.

Our QUARTZ AUTO SERVICE concept is a business service that provides:

  • 20 Minutes - Express oil change service in less than 20 minutes with no preschedule needed.
  • 10 Minutes checks mainly on tyre pressure and condition, wipers condition, Exhaust line condition, Battery, Coolant and windshield cleaner fluids, Headlights, and Signal lights, Gearbox oil, and Brake fluid.

The QUARTZ AUTO SERVICE concept was implemented in Ethiopia since 2017.

  • We are now working with around 60 partners
  • Invested more than 40 million Birr for the development of 60 QAS Centers
  • The projects directly created more than 300 job opportunities throughout the country.