Total Ethiopia’s Donation to Mekedonia
As part of its corporate social responsibility program, being committed to community based social actions and their capacity building program, Total Ethiopia donated Mekdonia Home for the Elderly and mentally disabled.
Total Ethiopia took the initiative of supporting Mekedonia by donating different types of clothes worth of more than 200,000 Birr and 100,000 Birr in cash for the construction of the new Elderly and mentally disabled centre. In addition to today’s donation previously, Total Ethiopia had different donations in kind and in cash to support the goals and objectives of Mekedonia.
The objective of this support is to implement the ideas and values of community development and capacity building of institutions with the theme of “To be human alone is sufficient to support a person”.
In addition to this event, Total Ethiopia during the last two years time, in actions related to Corporate Social responsibilities has done the following:
- Donated more than Birr 700,000 in actions linked to Education by Renovating schools, donating computers, servers and accessories and furnishing school materials.
- Supported and sponsored more than Birr1,000,000 for different road safety initiatives.
- Supported More than 1,000,000 Birr in cash and in kind for health Initiatives.
- Supported more than 500,000 Birr for Community Development and Environmental Issues.
Mr. Lassina TOURE, Managing Director of Total Ethiopia on the handing over ceremony of the donation, acknowledge with thanks the effort and commitment of the young founder of this amazing centre, Biniyam Belete and the staff.
Sewn Lemerdat Sew Mehon Beki New !!! (To be human alone is sufficient to support a person)