Haile Gebreselassie becomes the Brand Ambassador of TOTAL Ethiopia
On July 21, 2015, Total Ethiopia has signed a three years partnership contract with the famous and world acclaimed Ethiopian runner Haile Gebreselassie, whose name and image will from now onwards be associated in Ethiopia with the international and African leader oil brand TOTAL.
”Total Ethiopia is delighted to welcome Haile Gebreselassie in Total’s family. Total has always been associated with sport and very famous champions all over the world. Therefore, it was quite obvious for us to consider Haile to be the Ambassador of Total in Ethiopia as he is the person who impressed the world by his great records in distance running (27 world records and 2 Gold Olympic medals). We also share a lot of values with him: performance, sporting spirit, ambition, open mindedness and respect” stated Marc de Lataillade, Managing Director of Total Ethiopia.
Total Ethiopia is already Senior Sponsor of the Great Ethiopian Run, the most popular race in Ethiopia. This agreement emphasizes the will of the company to be even more closer to Ethiopian people, being deeply associated to its favorite sport: running.